Hello and welcome to the Monmouthshire Eco Open Doors website....
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- 250263
Visit local homes and other properties, old and new to find out how to save energy, generate your own, and save money.
Monmouthshire Community Climate Champions are a network of community groups, renewable energy companies and Monmouthshire County Council who meet quarterly to work on climate change and energy projects.
Since 2012, they have organised an annual Eco Open Doors event, where local homes and properties with renewable energy, energy saving and sustainable living features have very generously opened their doors to visitors looking for inspiration and information about how they can make their own homes more sustainable.
The great news is that most of these properties remain open by arrangement. Just click on the Properties or Properties by Technology tabs at the top to find out how to chat to homeowners about how their technologies work, how much they cost and what they are saving, to help decide whether it would be suitable for your home.
Visitors have said “Lovely to speak to people with practical experience" and "It has been very informative and inspiring. This is the FUTURE".
For an evaluation of the 2015 Eco Open Doors weekend click here.
New for 2017 - EU Energy Days
Following the success of last year’s Energy Days programme, Monmouthshire Community Climate Champions have pulled together some great Energy Day events as part of the 2017 EU Sustainable Energy Week in June. So whether you are interested in finding out about electric or hydrogen powered cars, would like to learn how to grow your own fruit and vegetables, want to learn how to look after your bike or want to save on your home energy bills there is an event for you.
For the full bilingual programme of 2017 events, click here.
For an evaluation of the 2016 Energy Days programme click here.